5 things to learn before your first ride on e-foil
The experience of flying on an e-foil could be one of the most exciting for you. But before you head out on your first ride, make sure that you are well versed with your gear, know what the right conditions are for the beginners and some key safety rules.
Choosing the right board
We recommend choosing a pretty big board if you try to e-foil for the first time. The bigger the board, the more stable it is, and its stability will make your learning experience easier and more enjoyable.
It works the same way for the wings - the bigger the wings are, the more lift and more stability you get. Your movements will be a bit slower, which is good when you just begin foiling.
Location and conditions
At the beginning try to find flat water - whether it’s blocked by land or by buildings, flat water would really help you in your first experience, making your ride safer and easier. The chop makes ramps which change the way your e-foil pitches making it much harder for you to balance.
Proper safety equipment
For the first lesson, we recommend using a helmet and an impact vest. Full wetsuit is a great option, because you are going from laying down to your knees and standing a lot, and probably you would rub your knees or a bit of some skin off your feet. So it’s super convenient to have a full wetsuit or any type of covering on your feet. It’s also better if you know how to swim. Your most challenging and dangerous time on e-foil will be your first 40 minutes.
If you don't hurry up and take time on this part, the rest of your e-foiling will be the most stunning experience of your life. Be very cautious in this first bit.
Be aware of your equipment
Before the first ride make sure that you know properly how to connect and disconnect the battery, how to connect or synchronize the remote with your board.
Get to know your e-foil beforehand. You should be aware of some safety precautions such as keeping the remote display and batteries away from the sun and direct rays etc. Make sure that you discharge your battery as much as you can for safety reasons (fireproof case for your battery is only added safety). Check the instructions on the manufacturers websites before you ride the e-foil - there´s plenty of useful information, so you could enjoy your ride much more and less worry about other things.

Practice on land first
We suggest getting some practice on land before you go inside the water (you can get a board or even a blanket which imitates e-foil). When practicing on land you can try to stand on your knees and stand up completely working on your balance. Especially work on moving your weight forward, this will prevent the e-foil from launching up during your first ride.
Get acquainted with all the parts of your e-foil before your first ride in the water. For example examine what’s below your board, so when you get to the water and climb up you’ll do it in the right way coming from the back and not moving around the board and kicking its sharp parts, like wings, so you won’t get hurt.
These are our tips and tricks for what you need to know before you get in the water to e-foil. Soon we will talk about what to remember when you are already in the water riding for the first time.

Choosing the right board
We recommend choosing a pretty big board if you try to e-foil for the first time. The bigger the board, the more stable it is, and its stability will make your learning experience easier and more enjoyable.
It works the same way for the wings - the bigger the wings are, the more lift and more stability you get. Your movements will be a bit slower, which is good when you just begin foiling.
Location and conditions
At the beginning try to find flat water - whether it’s blocked by land or by buildings, flat water would really help you in your first experience, making your ride safer and easier. The chop makes ramps which change the way your e-foil pitches making it much harder for you to balance.
Proper safety equipment
For the first lesson, we recommend using a helmet and an impact vest. Full wetsuit is a great option, because you are going from laying down to your knees and standing a lot, and probably you would rub your knees or a bit of some skin off your feet. So it’s super convenient to have a full wetsuit or any type of covering on your feet. It’s also better if you know how to swim. Your most challenging and dangerous time on e-foil will be your first 40 minutes.
If you don't hurry up and take time on this part, the rest of your e-foiling will be the most stunning experience of your life. Be very cautious in this first bit.
Be aware of your equipment
Before the first ride make sure that you know properly how to connect and disconnect the battery, how to connect or synchronize the remote with your board.
Get to know your e-foil beforehand. You should be aware of some safety precautions such as keeping the remote display and batteries away from the sun and direct rays etc. Make sure that you discharge your battery as much as you can for safety reasons (fireproof case for your battery is only added safety). Check the instructions on the manufacturers websites before you ride the e-foil - there´s plenty of useful information, so you could enjoy your ride much more and less worry about other things.

Practice on land first
We suggest getting some practice on land before you go inside the water (you can get a board or even a blanket which imitates e-foil). When practicing on land you can try to stand on your knees and stand up completely working on your balance. Especially work on moving your weight forward, this will prevent the e-foil from launching up during your first ride.
Get acquainted with all the parts of your e-foil before your first ride in the water. For example examine what’s below your board, so when you get to the water and climb up you’ll do it in the right way coming from the back and not moving around the board and kicking its sharp parts, like wings, so you won’t get hurt.
These are our tips and tricks for what you need to know before you get in the water to e-foil. Soon we will talk about what to remember when you are already in the water riding for the first time.

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